Fabiano Azevedo

Fabiano Azevedo
Professor de inglês./ English Teacher./ Amante da poesia, da música, das artes, e da filosofia./ Poetry, Music, Arts and Philosophy lover./ Vegano./ Vegan./ 禪
Nasceu a 09 Junho 1979 (Guaratinguetá-SP)

My Muse

My Muse, feel not confused about me.
I'm truly thine, entirely thine, honey.
My heart and soul belong to nobody,
But to thee, for e'er, my belov'd lady.
Thou lightest my life thoroughly
As the sun shineth the earth during the day fully.
Thou art the rainbow in my life
Colouring the shadows deep inside.
Thou art the springtime, my gorgeous,
Bringing my garden the beauty of all flowers.