Fabiano Azevedo

Fabiano Azevedo
Professor de inglês./ English Teacher./ Amante da poesia, da música, das artes, e da filosofia./ Poetry, Music, Arts and Philosophy lover./ Vegano./ Vegan./ 禪
Nasceu a 09 Junho 1979 (Guaratinguetá-SP)

A Greek Goddess

My gorgeous lady
My dear'st one
- Thy unique beauty mesmerisest me,
Thy beautiful captivating eyes make me wonder,
Thy luscious fleshy lips make me wonder,
The shape of thy fascinating body makest me wonder,
Thy smile makest my heart melt thoroughly,
Thy charm makest me bow to thee, darling,
Thou art a walking masterpiece
- A Greek goddess,
That's what thou art, my muse.
O,thou hast enchanted me, indeed.