Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa

Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa, mais conhecido como Fernando Pessoa, foi um poeta, filósofo e escritor português. Fernando Pessoa é o mais universal poeta português.

1888-06-13 Lisboa, Portugal
1935-11-30 Lisboa


I had a self and life
        Before this life and self.
When the moon makes woods rife
        With possible fay or elf,
There comes in me a dreaming
That is like a light gleaming
        Somewhere in me away,
On seas that I have known
And placeless lands that own
        Another kind of day.

I dream, and as a blast
        Fans into fire an ember,
My heart gleams with a past
        That I cannot remember.
And as the ember's glowing
Is not fire but fire's showing,
        I waste the empty pelf
Of my mute sense of me.
As rain within the sea
        I fade within myself.

There are mazes of I.
        I am my unknown being.
I have, I know not why,
        Another kind of seeing
(Other than this vain vision
That is my soul's division
        From what girds sight about)
Where to see is to know,
Whose life is faith, and woe
        Fled by the hand of Doubt.

My life has happy hours:
        'Tis when I feel not living;
And, as the scent of flowers
        Round flowers a flower‑soul weaving
That is a corporate spirit,
From myself I inherit,
        My soul's blood's spirit‑air,
A foreself and inself
Which is the being‑pelf
        That with God's loss I share.

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