Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa
Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa, mais conhecido como Fernando Pessoa, foi um poeta, filósofo e escritor português. Fernando Pessoa é o mais universal poeta português.
Nasceu a 13 Junho 1888 (Lisboa, Portugal)
Morreu em 30 Novembro 1935 (Lisboa)


Disappointment, my old friend,
I had forgot thou wert with me.
Forgive me. I did half pretend,
Deceiving ill my misery,
That thou hadst gone. Forgive me thou.
Thou old true friend, thou'rt with me now!

Despair, my old companion sure,
Thou too - though not forgotten quite -
Yet for a moment I had fewer
Thoughts of thee - somewhat of respite.
Entirely to forget thee were
Impossible. Friend, thou art here!

And thou, old comrade, Solitude,
Bare of affection and of hope,
Thou twin with me - I were quite rude
Were I to omit by thee to stop
And play the game of cares and fears?...
Why come ye to shame me, oh tears?